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Care Ratings

As a provider of Care Services, Sai Care Homes are regulated by The Care Quality Commission (CQC) an independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. The CQC began operating on 1 April 2009 when it replaced the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) our previous regulators. The CQC inspect care homes on a regular basis through unannounced inspections and complete detailed reports on their findings which outline the standard of services that the home delivers. These reports indicate the homes compliance with the Essential Standards which relate to the 28 regulations contained in the legislation governing our work.

If a home is not compliant with any of the Essential Standards the CQC report will indicate this and give a time scale and actions required by the home to become compliant.

For more information about the CQC or to read our most recent inspection reports please visit the CQC website

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