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We are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise for our physical and mental wellbeing. Exercise is an important part of daily activity throughout our care homes. Personalised exercise plans may include exercise to music by an external provider as well as other physical activities; exercise is crucial to the mobility of many residents. The plans are designed to be easily adapted to serve as therapeutic and recovery aids if required. Where a resident has specific nursing or mobility restrictions then a physiotherapist may be arranged (via the GP) to provide specialist bed or armchair exercises.

We encourage our residents to maintain the links that they have established in the local community to preserve familiarity with their surroundings.  Residents are invited to go on local outings and excursions, aiding reminiscence and recall which is especially important for those with confusional illnesses such as dementia. For residents who have relocated from other areas, these excursions enable them to explore and enjoy their new community with safety and security. Outings offer excellent opportunities for short walks at the seaside and in towns and the countryside.

For help or assistance please call us on 01303 249933 or email

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01303 249933